Board Objectives

I. Fiscal Accountability

Design, develop, implement and evaluate the financial resource allocation system to ensure fiscal solvency.

II. Curriculum

Design, develop, implement, evaluate and improve all subjects within the Common Core based curriculum including ELA, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Music, Physical Education, Industrial Arts and other course offerings.

III. Safe, Clean and Attractive Classrooms, Facilities and Grounds

To continually improve staff and student performance and to foster community pride by providing for safe, clean and attractive classrooms, facilities and grounds.

IV. Improve Technology

Design, develop, implement, evaluate and improve technologies, including student machines, infrastructure and software to best prepare students for success in the 21st Century.

V. Engaging All Families, Staff & Community Members

Design, develop and implement processes that engage families in their children’s education.  Facilitate opportunities for staff, students, parents and community members to feel connected to the school and valued by the school.